Instructions for any Linux system(x86, raspberries,oranges and other fruits, OpenWRT routers).We get access to the device's console(I won't describe it,Google will help).For systems based on Debian/Ubuntu, type the following commands in turn;
1. sudo-i #enter your password
2. apt update& & apt upgrade-y #update the package list and update the system
3. apt install mosquitto #by default, the configuration is located in /etc/mosquitto
4 nano / etc/mosquitto/conf.d / local.conf # create an empty file of our configuration(the file name is not important, the main thing at the end should be .conf)
5 Write 2 lines in the editable local. conf
listener 1883
6. Restart mosquitto
systemctl restart mosquitto
We have a local broker on port 1883 and passwordless access.
[1]configuration instructions (in English)
[2]another one(from the creators) (more details in Russian) (installation in a docker container(in Russian))