What should I buy for iot manager?

Модули 1.Датчик движения (достаточно хорош) https://a.aliexpress.com/_msUAsE1 2.Физические кнопки https://a.aliexpress.com/_m0g0llT 3.BME280 (давление температура влажность) брал на 3.3 вольта https://a.aliexpress.com/_mOfVe5B Контроллеры 1.Модуль wemos без батареи (4мб) https://a.aliexpress.com/_msriy5r 2.Модуль wemos с батареей (16мб) https://a.aliexpress.com/_mN8xPEl 3.esp32 https://a.aliexpress.com/_ms3mUPF 4.Дешевая esp32 https://a.aliexpress.com/_mrbr9mt 5.Шнур питания для 👆 esp32 пункт 4 и esp8266 пункт 2 https://a.aliexpress.com/_mLSRXhJ 6.Блок питания на 5 вольт: https://a.aliexpress.com/_mODVu1j 7.RobotDyn: Arduino Uno + ESP8266 4Mb 8. RobotDyn: Arduino Mega … Read more

Working with an mp3 player

The firmware provides the ability to connect an mp3 player and play files from it. Pleer management can be implemented by calling events from the script, Telegram, and possibly the application and web interface (you need to try) Connection to the module: Tested on the DFPlayer mini module. The module is powered by 3.3 V and Gnd, as well as an RX and TX connection. RX and TX should be included in the description … Read more

Working with cron events

Планировщик времени для периодического выполнения заданий в определённое время.Генерирует событие в указанное время по формату Cron, полное описание можно посмотреть по ссылке https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron Следует обратить внимание, что в данной прошивке используется дополнительное поле секунды, что вносит изменение в логику заполнения полей. Таблица crontab состоит из 6 колонок, разделяемых пробелами.Шесть колонок задают время выполнения (секунда, минута, час, день, … Read more

Working with the Dwin screen

(Page in progress) Dwin screens allow you to solve many problems of the interface and easy management of your systems.Creating an interface on the part of the DGUS program will be considered in passing as necessary. The main thing is the settings on the part of IoTmanager.This is not a manual for using Dwin screens, how to connect them, flash them, prepare the background and icons, and use the Dgus program. Here we will look at the nuances of interaction with … Read more

Operation of countdown timers

The timer always subtracts and stores the number in itself. The goal is to get to zero. int-tick step 1 is equal to 1s. countDown-Start value ticker — 0 generate an event only when 0 is reached; 1 on each changesrepeat — 0 work out and stop. 1 restart on circulneedsave — for the future, the timer always starts with the countDown value and tends to … Read more

MCP23017 Port Expander

The MCP23017 digital port expander allows you to expand the number of system inputs/outputs. Each expander can add an additional 16 ports to the system. The connection is made via the I2C bus using SDA and SCL control signals.You can connect up to 4 modules, thereby expanding the number of system ports to 64 digital inputs/outputs.For proper operation of the system, you need to connect the SDA and SCL, they must be connected to the power supply on the module, if this is not the case, then pull them up … Read more

Pin control button (relay control)

One of the simplest modules. Designed to control the Gpio configured as an output. Created by selecting the appropriate item in the menu. Next, fill in the Gpio number and, if necessary, turn on the output inversion. This determines which High or Low signal will be on the given Gpio when it is activated.

Button (physically connected)

This module is used to describe the input button. This is about a Gpio configured as an input. Int-not used yet Pin-Gpio number for this input pinMode-can be INPUT_PULLUP INPUT_PULLDOWN INPUTdebounceDelay — bounce processing timeexeclevel — trigger level High or LowfixState-input behavior, triggered on transition or on level fixation (trigger mode) For understanding … Read more

Integration with Telegram ver. 4

Currently, there are problems with the operation of the Telegram module on ESP8266. At the same time, everything works perfectly on the ESP32. So try it out on this chip for now. There are two Telegram modules. The description of the TelegramLT module is configured exactly as described below, but only filled in: token-Token for authorizing the bot in the Telegram system;chatId — ID of the dialog with the contact. Required … Read more

How do I connect multiple dallas ds18b20 sensors to a single pin?

!!!OLD VERSION FOR IoTv3!!! 1. Connect several sensors to the pin in parallel (pin 2 is immediately tightened and the resistor is not needed, but you should not turn on the wi-fi indicator in the web interface -the same pin is involved) 2. Create the required number of sensors in the web interface 3. If there are three sensors, for example, then in the line of the first sensor in the web in the interface, you need to write index[0], the second index[1], … Read more

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