What should I do if it still doesn't work out

If after studying the documentation and looking at the FAQ, there is still no solution to your problem, do not panic.
Telegram chat created for discussion and support and you will definitely get help.

To speed up and facilitate this process, ask the question correctly.
In the question, it is advisable to specify the esp32/esp8266 4mb/esp8266 1mb chip type, firmware version, firmware method, and then a description of the problem.
Please provide a screenshot of the settings and the script text, if this is required in the question. You will reduce the time required to ask the questions listed above.
It will also help you a lot, including displaying log information in the terminal. This can be viewed in VS Code,
if you used it in conjunction with platformio, or as a separate program.
One of the simplest here. You must set the exchange rate to 115200.

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